Heal n’ Soothe is a 100% natural supplement for back pain and arthritis, which means no danger of addiction (like with prescription and OTC drugs) and no liver and kidney damage (if you follow instructions and proper dosage).
Does it actually WORK? is it safe? what are the ingredients? what’s the right dosage? these are the real questions you want to be answered.
What is Heal n’ Soothe?
Though you won’t find it at your local pharmacy, Heal n’ Soothe is well-known in the world of natural anti-inflammation supplements for back pain, Arthritis, and joint pain relief.
Heal-n-Soothe is an herbal supplement from Living Well Nutraceuticals.
Every capsule contains 12 natural ingredients that combined together work primarily as an anti-inflammatory to fight the inflammation that causes your pain.
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Heal n’ Soothe List of Ingredients
As with any herbal remedy blend, there are many added benefits that help boost your overall health and your immune system.
Here’s the list of the ingredients (The product label is fully transparent about them, along with the exact quantity of each one):
- Bromelain – 3 mill – extracted for pineapples. Hundreds of studies have proven its effectiveness in reducing inflammation and swelling, as well as removing “waste” and toxins from the blood.
- Turmeric Extract – 60 mg – a powerful antioxidant, able to destroy free radicals causing inflammation and cancer. Some studies found it to be more effective than Aspirin in fighting inflammation and shutting down the COX2 enzyme responsible for pain.
- Papain – 3 mill – this enzyme has the ability to attack cancer cells and boost the immune system. Very few people have enough of this enzyme.
- Devil’s Claw – 30 mg – this herb reduces pain and inflammation. Few studies found it to be just as effective as some arthritis drugs, without the side effects.
- Boswellia – 150 mg – widely used in Indian medicine, this herb is a powerful and effective anti-inflammatory, while also supporting healthy blood circulation.
- Vitamin E – 45 I.U – this essential vitamin is well known for its anti-oxidant effect. It can also control high blood pressure, maintain healthy and balanced cholesterol levels and boosting immune system function.
- Ginger – 150 mg – effectively treats pain from inflammation and well known for its ability to treat nausea. It can decrease the number of prostaglandins, responsible for pain. It works in the same way that prescription medication does, but naturally.
- Rutin – 195 mg – another powerful anti-oxidant.
- Citrus Bioflavonoids – extracted from citrus, these compounds help your body absorb vitamins and minerals. They also inhibit collagenase and elastase, the enzymes responsible for the breakdown of connective tissue.
- L-glutathione – 6 mg – another well-known compound that can help your body with everything from cancer to glowing skin. This is the anti-oxidant that controls all other antioxidants.
- Mojave Yucca Root – 90 mg – effectively improves and boosts general health.
- Systemic Enzymes – 382 mg – a combination of Protease AM 6.0, Alkalin Protease, Bromelain and Papain. More on this important compound below.
Each bottle contains 90 vegetarian capsules.
What’s so Special About Systemic Enzymes?
Ignore the powerful herbs inside this supplement for a second, because the most important and effective inflammation treatment in this back pain supplement is Systemic Enzymes.
When your body is reacting to pain, it immediately floods the injured area with proteolytic enzymes.
These enzymes are the body’s first line of defense against pain and inflammation.
- They know to differentiate between “bad” prostaglandins (that cause inflammation) and the “good ones (that help the healing process) and they get rid of the bad ones.
- They were found to be able to “eat” fibrin and scar tissue. They cleanse the blood from toxins and even fight viruses and improve your immune system.
As we age (after the age of 29 to be exact), the amount of proteolytic enzymes in our body decreases dramatically.
This is why the older you are, the more pain you feel when you are injured, the more time a wound takes to heal, and the more scarred your skin can get from just about anything.
Food alone can not boost your proteolytic enzymes enough to stop your pain. This is why this compound in heal n’ Soothe is so Important.
Heal n’ Soothe Dosage

What’s the right Heal n’ Soothe dosage for you?
Since everyone’s pain and inflammation is different, there is no one answer that fits all. Some people use as little as 2-3 capsules a day, and others can take up to 15 capsules per day.
When you first start with this supplement, follow these dosage guidelines:
- Day 1 – 6 capsules – 3 in the morning, 3 in the evening
- Day 2 – 8 capsules – half in the morning, half in the evening
- Day 3 – 10 cap.
- Day 4 – 12
- Day 5 – 13
- Day 6 – 14
Stop adding more capsules when you start to feel a difference. After 1 week at the same dose, if you feel comfortable, you can take one fewer capsule per day until you notice a change for the worse.
This is probably the best way to figure out the right dosage for your condition.
Warning: as with any herbal supplement, make sure none of the ingredients counter interact with any other medication or supplement you are taking.
Does Heal n’ Soothe WORK?
The reason for this average rating is as follows:
It seems that this potentially excellent back pain supplement has mixed reviews.
For some people, it worked great, significantly reduced back pain, and improved general health (especially with Arthritis), while for others it did absolutely nothing.
We have no way of knowing if the people who found no relief with Heal n’ Soothe followed the protocol suggested by the company (Certain dosage over a certain amount of time).
👉 Those who had success with this supplement were very satisfied and rated it very highly. Those who didn’t obviously gave it bad ratings.
On the other hand, we’ve never heard of a supplement that works for EVERYONE. There are no magic pills for back pain.
The honest truth is:
The only way you will know if Heal n’ Soothe can help you is if you try it out yourself.
See this video for more on Heal N’ Soothe:
Heal n’ Soothe Research & Studies
The key ingredients in Heal-n-Soothe have been proven to be highly effective in numerous clinical studies. You can some of the research at the end of this post.
For example, research has proven that taking systemic enzymes (like bromelain and curcumin) before exercising – can reduce pain and soreness after a workout.
Proteolytic enzymes help deliver nutrients and oxygen-rich blood to flush your system of metabolic waste that causes inflammation.
Another study has shown that taking proteolytic enzymes after surgery has reduced bruising, swelling and pain.
Have you ever tried it? how did it work for you? help our community out and share your results in the comments below 🙌
To your health and happiness,
The Back-Pain-Relief-Products Team
Rathnavelu, V., Alitheen, N. B., Sohila, S., Kanagesan, S., & Ramesh, R. (2016). Potential role of bromelain in clinical and therapeutic applications. Biomedical reports, 5(3), 283–288. doi:10.3892/br.2016.720
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 1, Issue 3, Pages 251-257
Saurabh Pandey, Peter J. Cabot, P. Nicholas Shaw & Amitha K. Hewavitharana (2016) Anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties of Carica papaya, Journal of Immunotoxicology, 13:4, 590-602, DOI: 10.3109/1547691X.2016.1149528
After the free bottle, do you send more and charge me. Can I cancel after the trial. How many days before new charges?
Hi Robert :) we do not charge you, the website where you order it from charges after 30 days, but you can cancel any time before that happens. We do not sell anything on this site, we only review products for our readers. Here’s the contact page for the Lose the Back Pain website for any other questions you may have: https://losethebackpain.com/contact-us/
I have had steroid shots in my back. I use tranquilizers. That being said, will there be any restrictions…using Heal and Soothe?
To be on the safe side, please contact the Lose the Back Pain site and ask them – here’s their contact page – https://fave.co/2S0L0Di
I want to try his product especially now since my upper back and shoulder and lower back has been giving me the most agonizing pain ever. I have always dealt with the pain since the early 90s when I first injured my right arm then later on my back started having problems I have arthritis in my lower back and I just had my rotator cuff on my right arm reattached in 2016 now I have muscle spasms and pain in my arm and my back is killing me I tried CBD oil and it gave me headaches so now I reaching for straws trying to find something that can help me with all this pain. And with all these products on the market, you don’t know what to try. I only take now ibuprofen which I’ve been doing over the years when I get real bad flare-ups so now I’m just tired and I don’t want to take all those prescription meds l want a more natural plan l need help. flexoPlex and Mega XL how are you so different from them they all claim to do the same thing just different ingredients. thanks
Very interesting I got your sample tried it and ordered for four extra I want to get these four. I have paid for on time for continuous treatment
It’s a very good job beginning to feel better
I have lost the directions of how to take Healy soothe. Please tell me the procedure to start and how I will know when I have reached the optimum amt. to continue. Mary
Here are the instructions from their official website: Heal-n-Soothe should be taken at least once per day and can be taken as often as three times per day on empty stomach: 30 minutes before or 60 minutes after meals for best results. Some people find that a single dose before bed works best. Begin by taking 2 capsules twice per day or 4 capsules once per day. You can experiment with a higher dosage by gradually increasing the dosage by 1-2 capsules per day until you find what works best for you.
I have been using this product for one week now and have noticed a huge difference. I have bad arthritis in my wrist and ankles as well as bad sciatica. I have been on opioid pain meds for over 10 years. Started using heal-n-soothe as directed and only take one pain pill a day now. My arthritis pain is gone and I haven’t felt this good in years. I know this won’t work for everyone, but I thought you should know it’s worth at least trying it. I took a chance and I’m so glad I did.
I have no cartilage and the doctors tell me that the cartilage area cannot be rebuilt. I need to have a knee replacement. I’m hoping praying not to have the surgery.
Will this product help me?
Heal n’ Soothe supplement can help with the pain but it can’t help rebuild cartilage… I would also try using infrared heat and physical therapy. I hope this helps.
Will this product help me with Fibro-Myalgia? Please advise.
It could, but there’s no way to know for sure. I would suggest looking into infrared sauna treatments as well. See this post to find out more about it – https://www.infrared-light-therapy.com/infrared-sauna-results/
I’m glad that it works for you!
I don’t know the answer to your question, but you can contact the company via phone or mail (they even have a chat) and ask them.
Good luck!
I take one Lipotor a day, and 1 Metropolol in the morning and one at night, plus one Furosimide in the morning, will Heal and Soothe be alright to take with ny meds.
To be on the safe side, check with your doctor, o.k?
I am 90 years old. Is it safe for me to try this? I am in a lot of pain.
It’s safe, but you HAVE TO check if it’s safe to take with other medication you are using!